1980s Mod Music Memories

1980s Mod DJs - Richard "Shirley" Early, Ian Jackson & Dom Bassett

1980s Mod Music Memories

Recordings From You Tube & Mixcloud

Without doubt, the uploads and recordings included within this article deservedly so need to be included. Firstly because this article is dedicated to a unique group of uploads. All of which are primarily dedicated to the music that was listened to and played out at events of the 1980s.

Secondly because sadly with the passage of times, many of the “real time” recordings of those years no longer exist.  Or alternatively they were not recorded real time.

Thirdly because my aim is to chronicle what does exist. I have a great interest in social history as well as the evolution and transition of Mod subculture from the late 1950s to the late 1980s.

A friend of mine once referred to me as the Mod detective, which often makes me laugh, as I often go off on my internet searching jaunts and find buried Mod artefacts. I think it’s so important to share this information with like minded people as well as document for those who equally have an interest in Mod subculture as a whole. And if it brings back good memories or a smile to those people even in a small way, then that’s a good thing to do even more so.

The Soundtracks To The Music That 1980s Mods Listened To

Whilst I originate from Yorkshire, I personally believe that without the 1980s London Mods, 80s Mod Subculture would not have been as prominent as it was throughout the UK. The origins of the music from London, being the catalyst of musical awareness that was to percolate it’s way throughout 1980s Mod subculture. Hence making those events so memorable, for very many of us, regardless of where we originated from.

This article will be divided into two sections. The first section discussing the original recordings from the 1980s. The second section discusses uploads and recordings based on some of the music that was the backdrop to 1980s Mod subculture.

Original Recordings From The 1980s

Dom Bassett – Swinging Radio England – 25th September 1988

To any readers of my articles, who haven’t listened to this, or would like another walk down 80s Mod memory lane, here is a broadcast on Swinging Radio England from the legendary Mod DJ Dom Bassett. Broadcast nearly 37 years ago on 25th September 1988, this certainly is a warm nostalgic trip.

Dom has chosen a great soundtrack for this show. His ebullient personality, commentary and equally his exceptional knowledge of the music shines through as always, on this

The music that appealed to so many of the 1980s Mods and not only became the soundtracks to our youthful years, but equally went onto influence our musical preferences going forwards. This upload cannot fail to make you smile and uplift any mood … Close your eyes and you’ll be back at one of the rallies and hopefully reaching for your dancing shoes … Nearly 40 years on.

Jan 6, 2014
Alan Milliner

James Taylor Quartet Live at Great Yarmouth Mod Rally 1987

It’s now almost exactly thirty seven years and three months to the day that many of us attended the CCI Great Yarmouth Mod Rally (at the time of writing). It was one month before my eighteenth birthday. I am now fifty five. To say those years have gone in the blink of an eye, is an understatement.

CCI Great Yarmouth Mod Rally -James Taylor Quartet (August 1987)
Ticket taken from my old scrapbook – CCI Great Yarmouth Mod Rally -James Taylor Quartet (August 1987)

I stumbled across this upload James Taylor Quartet Live at the Great Yarmouth Mod Rally in 1987, by bigbossgroove several years ago on Mixcloud.  And then went onto  share on my social media feeds. I was elated on discovering this and it made my day. I have vivid memories of attending this event all those many years ago at the Ocean Rooms in Gorleston. It makes me smile when I listen. For those who have not heard or would like to hear again, to say it transports you back in time is an understatement. This is another lovely walk down memory lane.

Angus Oldfield – My “Lost 1980s Mod Tapes” – J’s Anniversary Mix by Rob Cox

Around fifteen or so years ago, I revisited some of what I term my “Mod crates” up our loft. I am somewhat nostalgic and over the course of my lifetime hold onto artefacts that remind me of events, people and places, as well as the soundtracks that have contributed to many of my memories.

Within one of my “Mod crates”, I found three cassette tapes. Two which were recorded for me around 1986 / 1987 by my old friend Angus Oldfield from his vinyl collection, all those years ago.

Angus, always incredibly passionate about the music recorded me a gem of two tapes. To say I was happy,  was an understatement when finding them after so many years. As soon as I heard them again I was transported back to that time again. Therefore I chose to include an article within this site, about those cassette tapes  when I published this site in 2017.

I never anticipated now that almost forty years later that I would be here writing about them, but I am so glad I held onto them. Many of those tracks were the soundtrack to not only my 1980s Mod years but equally so many other 1980s Mods too.

To coincide with that article old CCI Rally DJ Rob Cox kindly recorded both those tape listings onto Mixcloud also. For those who would like to take another stroll down memory lane, here is one of those tapes…. And also a personal thanks to Angus and Rob, once again.

Bigbossgroove – 6Ts Mod and Soul Mixtape (1987)

Bigbossgroove, additionally has included another upload on his Mixcloud Channel. Entitled “6Ts mod and soul mixtape made in 1987” and is taken from the original cassette tape. This too is a range of tracks that are reminiscent of the old 1980s Mod days. Many which are to put a smile on the faces of participated in the Mod scene in the 1980s.

More Recent Recordings Based on Music Reflecting 1980s Mod Subculture

Mixcloud Upload – The Mod Generation – 20 Mod Classics

One of the first and perhaps one of the most popular vinyl albums for the old is 80s Mods is “Tamla Motown Presents 20 Mod Classics Vol. 2″ which was released in 1980 I still own a copy of this, now nearly four decades on, which I am sure so many still own. This upload makes me smile so much … For those who would like a trip down memory lane .. Here you go …

Sneakers By Shirley

This particular Mixcloud upload by Richard Early is an example of one his sets that he used to play at Sneakers during the 1980s. It was originally recorded from vinyl, for the event held at the held on 17/02/16 held at the original Bush Hotel venue. This is a wonderful array of the true roots of original “Mod” music. It includes a plethora of early rhythm and blues, original Jamaican Ska, early Jazz and early Soul.

1980s Mod DJs - Richard "Shirley" Early, Ian Jackson & Dom Bassett
1980s Mod DJs – Richard “Shirley” Early, Ian Jackson & Dom Bassett circa 1985. Photo copyright & kind permission  of Dominic Bassett & Wayne Northern.

What I especially find so likeable about this upload is that the music it includes captivates the familiarity of some of those tracks that were played back in the 1980s at the Mod events up and down the UK. These songs included on Richard’s upload are not only reminiscent of that time, but equally this upload, is a feelgood, go to upload. I personally think it’s wonderful!


80s Mod Memories Special – Jaynes Soulful Sunday Volume 5 – 12/3/23

Occasionally I like to add my own occasional upload to Mixcloud. They mainly consist of 60s Soul which I have a preference for. A couple of years ago, I was updating my 1980s Mod memory section on this site and  chose to record an upload to my Mixcloud channel that are based on some of my 80s Mod memories. Some of those songs which form my own personal soundtrack, as the back drop to those years.

There are so many more songs I would have liked to add, but as I like to include commentary. I do try to record my uploads with a reasonable listening timescale as I can have a tendency to talk about music and my memories for a very long time. For those who have not listened and would like to, here is that upload.

Get Yourself Together 80s Mod Scene Special ~ Paul ‘Smiler’ Anderson w/ Paul Hallam ~ 03.01.25

A more recent addition for those who may not have listened so far and like the nostalgic aspect of 1980’s Mod Subculture is an upload by Paul “Smiler” Anderson and Paul Hallam. Here they discuss how life was on the London Mod scene.  Also in addition discussing a soundtrack of music that influenced and shaped so many of us.

Further Uploads

In addition to all the above uploads, This article could not be complete without mentioning the following accounts on Mixcloud. This is because all these include some songs from the old days, as well as newer material. Equally, each one of these gents have a commendable passion and enthusiasm for the music that shines through. Their contribution to the music over four decades is one which is admirable.

Alan Handscome

Ian Jackson

Tony Schokman

Jim Watson

In the future, should I stumble across any further archival or new audio recordings that is reminiscent of the music of 1980s Mod days, I will include. Meanwhile, I hope this article has put a smile on the reader’s face.  Albeit for a little while by transporting them back in time to a distant place. Primarily enabling them to recollect some great memories and equally found these uploads uplifting.

© 2025, Jayne Thomas. All rights reserved.

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